Things to do for the trip
I've got a long list of things I need to get done, and it seems to get longer and longer every day. So far my To Do list divides itself into two sections: To Do For England and To Do Before England, meaning what I've got to do so I can have a happy 6 weeks abroad, and what I've got to do to make sure things don't go to hell in a handbasket while I'm being happy for 6 weeks abroad. For instance I have to get my drivers licence renewed since I'm turning 21 in a few weeks, buy books for my classes, figure out what the best option is to stay in phone contact with my parents, etc, etc. Today I did boring things for the trip. I went to the FinAid office and made sure my Hope schoalrship applies to my summer tuition costs for England and then went to the Bursar's office and told them that my scholarship should pay my fees tomorrow, so they don't freak out and cancel my schedule. That would be bad.
With 44 days to go until I leave, I'm getting riddiculously excited about the trip. While at Oxford I plan to blog as close to every day as possible so that everyone can see what I'm up to and just how much fun I'm having. I'm also going to post at least one picture every time I blog, as well link to my Photobucket Oxford Album for the week. I went ahead and added a link with a customized counter so that everyone can keep track of how long I have until my flight at 6:15 on June 25th :)

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Picture(s) of the Day: No pictures today since there's nothing to show pictures of yet...
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