Fab Visit to London
Alright now that I have slept a lot I can actually recound what happened.
Here is what the plan was:
Come to London on Friday, check into hostel, visit the Tower of London, eat dinner, see a play at the Globe, go out and party on the town. On Saturday go to Hyde Park, survey the situation, watch Live8 from whatever screen we can find, then in the early evening when the show was scheduled to be over go have dinner, have more fun on the town, then get back to Oxford at ungodly hours of the night.
Here's what actually happened:
So Friday morning after breakfast I, along with my fairly large travel group, borded a bus and headed for London with the plan to check into the hostel, drop off our stuff, and then go forth and have lots of fun in the city. We actually made good time coming into town, but when we arrived the hostel front desk lady said that we can't actually check in till 2pm, but we are welcome to leave our luggage and just come back later. I personally didn't want to lug around a totebag with a change of clothes all day and neither did my travel buddies, so we dumped our stuff in their storage area and headed out.
We walked to the Globe from our Hostel on Great Dover Street and bought groundling tickets for Pericles and then headed out along the river walk towards the Tower Bridge. Along the way I stooped about every 10 seconds to take a picture of the Thames, St. Paul's dome, bridges, ships, and pretty much everything I could see that looked cool. I think I took about a billion pictures of the HMS Belfast and of the Tower Bridge, both very neat looking things. As we walked along we had a pretty good time goofing off and stopping at every store that looked interesting. So in fact walking to the Tower Bridge took much longer than we originally thought it would. When we finally saw the Bridge from behind all the other things going on on the London riverfront, I paused for the photo op:
By this point the weather turned for the worse and the clouds started glooming, the temperature dropped a few degrees and I started getting cold. But we made it to the Tower Bridge and walked across, I took pictures of both sides like any good tourist and then past St. Katherine's docks, we were at the Tower! We bought tickets, complained about the weather and the price and got in line for a Yeoman (read: Beefeater) guided tour. Our guide was pleasantly loud since there was a very large group on the tour and his accent reminded me a bit of Michael Palin, one of the Monty Python guys. He told whimsical tales of murders and beheadings, and was actually a very funny guy. He told us all about the Queen's House and the fat ravens, the Bloody Tower and the rack. Great Fun!!! We then walked around inside the White Tower, looking at the armory exhibits, and then when the line died down took the moving sidewalk through the vault that houses the Crown Jewels. Let me just say... I want a giant gold sceptre with my coat of arms on it, and Queen Victoria definitely had the right idea with the tiny diamond tiara instead of that gigantic and heavy state crown. Here are some pictures of our tour at the Tower:

After the Tower we actually went back to the hostel, checked in, changed for the theater, and headed out for a quick snack. We made it to the Globe right on time for the performance and I was very giddy. Not only would I get to see a Shakespeare play, but at the GLOBE no less, standing room in the yard! How Elizabethan! I sort of hoped for a traditional performance with the poofy pants and full dresses but apparently they rarely do traditional plays anymore, espcially at the Globe, so we settled for a more modern rendition of Pericles, and boy was it amazing! The actors were also acrobats and during the first shipwreck scene they would climb up the ropes and act as if they're falling out of the ship, they brought out silk sails onto the stage and the band situated in the balcony above the stage would make storm noises. It was so powerful and visually stunning. Same went for the competition of Princes for Thaisa's hand, instead of jousting as it was described in the original play, they did acrobatics. It was like watching the circus! One girl did all kinds of twists and flips in a hoolahoop suspended from the roof, another wrapped herself up in ribbons and then unrolled all the way back town from the top of the building. The only negative things about the performance were that I couldn't take pictures and standing up for 3 hours on concrete without a roof over your head is painful and humid! the end my knees were tired and my feet were throbbing, but I managed to put on a brave face for the picture in front of the stage. You can see some of the ropes still hanging up from the set:
We headed back to the hostel in hopes of running into a pub or club that we could party at, but since all the pus close at 11pm in the UK we were hard pressed to find one. Finally nearing our hostel we ran into a convenience store to ask someone if they knew of any clubs open around here and the guy told us that we're just a few blocks from the Ministry of Sound. Now, for those of you who don't know, the Ministry of Sound is one of the best known and most respected dance clubs in the world, the DJs that mix at the club are of international caliber and they often tour under the collective name. Each year several albums of various mixes are put out, and it's an over all big deal in the techno community. So as you can expect with Tech students, just about everyone got riddiculously excited at our good fortune and we all but RAN to the place. Sadly Friday nights are R&B nights and some of the guys weren't properly dressed, we vowed to come back on Saturday. So instead of the Ministry we headed back, stopped at a local place for some drinks and then retreated to the hostel for a fun few hours of cards in the lounge.
Saturday morning all seven of us got up early to head to Hyde Park for Live8. The plan was to find somewhere to watch the show without actually having a ticket. The closer we got to the park though, the more people we found and by 11:30am we were in a line of thousands waiting outside. We found out that without tickets there was a slim to none chance of us actually getting to see the show since the entire grounds of the park were closed off. The security people suggested we find a pub, get comfy and watch the live feed. In retrospect I think that was the best decision, because from what I hear there were a few riots outside of the entrance due to the cap on the capacity of a free concert in a giant park, plus this way we were in a cool uncrowded place with food and drinks and lively people instead of standing up in the elments in the risk of getting trampled. Of course if I had tickets to get IN the place I would have been there at 7am to get in line...
We instead settled in a very nice pub in Kensington on very cushy couches and watched about 2/3rds of the concert there. There was a definitely missable line up of artist in the middle which we took advantage of and hopped a bus back to Oxford to watch the rest in the comfort of our town and not have to take the bus back at 4am. Thankfully we got back in time for Madonna and me and a few guys finnished the concert off in a pub at Oxford that had wall screen with a projector. I did get to see Pink Floyd and sing along and have a spiritual experience seeing all four members perform my favorite song of all time. It was truly great and I can always say I was in England and I saw this live :). So we didn't get to go back to the Ministry of Sound after all but we've already set up a special trip to London for THIS Saturday specifically to go back.
Well this small essay just about covers all the important stuff that happened in those two days, it was a bit of a breakdown in travel plans but I had a fun time because I was with some great people who were flexible and cheery. I am going back to London for more touristy fun this weekend so there is more!
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