Orchard studying
So nothing exciting again today, just some schoolwork. Actually today is St. Veronica's feast day ... and that's your Catholic tidbit for the day. My room is continuing to be unbearably hot and sauna like, I'm keeping all the blinds closed to no avail. I'm considering investing in a room fan. Today I actually studied for the history test I have on Thursday then joined Katy at the college pub for a pint and then to the Kebab Kid in Gloucester Green for some chips and cheese. Steve and I studied in the orchard today and tomorrow I think a few more people from class are going to join us in a final study. The orchard is so very very pretty, in fact I have a picture of it. The shade in the late afternoon was a nice change from the 80 degree weather, plus I was pleasantly surprised that the bugs stayed mostly away. We did distract ourselves by throwing fallen apples around at the other trees and observing the fighting pigeons and the Provost's cat. Anyway, studying more tomorrow, test Thursday and Edinburgh on Friday morning :) I can't wait to go to Scotland!! As promised, the orchard:

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