My Last Entry
I'm back home now, sadly.
If you've been reading you know I've had a super great time abroad and I wish I could have stayed longer. There's not much to say about the flight home, except that something they gave me for breakfast made me sick for the rest of the night. Maybe I'll get to go back to England again soon in which case I'll get back to the blog, but for now it remains on the internet as my record of the most amazing 6 weeks. And here as I promised is my top 10 of things I liked in the UK but in no particular order. If you want to know why I liked them you might have to find me or IM me (shadowara) so I can tell you.
1) Rail system
2) London underground
3) Kebab Kid and Noodle Bar
4) Cider & Black
5) Weekend trips
6) Sainsbury's Local
7) Worcester kitchen staff people :)
8) Purple Turtle
9) Worcester Pub
10) Waking up every morning in England
Thanks for reading!